Give the United Way
The United Way Campaign for 2019 has launched at UFV, marking the 35th consecutive year of staff and faculty support for the United Way.
When you’re vulnerable, the right connection can save your life.
For a community to be great, it needs to be great for everyone. The United Way invests in the communities where we live, work, play, and learn. Too many people in our neighborhoods are vulnerable and isolated, and in need of connection and support.
Kids — 1 in 10 kids in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley do not believe an adult cares about them. Through United Way’s investment, vulnerable kids are getting access to safe, supportive and educational after school programs.
Seniors — Over 25,000 local seniors do not have someone to talk to. Many seniors miss out on social programs that keep them safe and connected in their community. When seniors are socially isolated, they are at increased risk for chronic illnesses, depression, falling, and poor nutrition. United Way’s support of Seniors’ Active Aging programs helps seniors be happy and healthy.
Please click on these links from the United Way for more details on seniors isolation, childhood vulnerability, and unignorable issues in our communities.
If you wish to support our communities through a payroll deduction, please complete the pledge form and return to Human Resources in Abbotsford by Mon, Dec 24, 2018.
As an added incentive, we have assembled some great prizes. All those contributing will have their name entered for the prize draws.