Dear colleague,
In recent days you may have heard that several universities across Canada are moving to online exams and remote learning for the upcoming winter term. These universities are experiencing circumstances quite different than those currently faced by UFV. Our exams remain in-person or online as scheduled, and in January we anticipate welcoming students, faculty, and staff back for face-to-face classes.
I know there is concern regarding the impact of the Omicron variant and its rapid spread. I understand there is uncertainty regarding this development, and I want to reassure you that your well-being and your health remain UFV’s top priorities as we look toward 2022.
Dr. Bonnie Henry and her provincial health colleagues recently explained to us in their townhall that BC universities have highly vaccinated populations and this helps lower the risk of contracting COVID on campuses when compared to the risk in surrounding communities. Layered on top of this high vaccination rate, UFV continues to adhere to all health protocols that have helped curb the spread of the virus on our campuses.
Despite these defenses, we have learned over the last 20 months that COVID does not go away easily and that plans sometimes must evolve very rapidly. Please be assured that if the situation changes, and the provincial health authorities require UFV to adjust our approach, we will do so quickly and we will communicate these changes to you promptly.
For many, this can be a challenging time of year and, in addition to all we have endured, there can be other pressures that come with the season, so if you need help, please remember UFV has resources available for you.
As we approach the shortest day of the year, I hope you will draw strength and light from the people closest to you over the break. Please follow public health guidance, stay healthy this holiday, and know that we will overcome this challenge and enjoy brighter days ahead.
Dr. Joanne MacLean
President and Vice-Chancellor